Oink Ink ®

Oink Ink ®

Sarasota + Movies + stuff

At Friday we left my house in a hurry. My step dad just took us with him to Sarasota.
His sister got a baby and he wanted us to see it too as we are his children too. =)
She got a baby boy he were soo cute I wanted to take him with me :p

About Sarasota
There were big houses and lots of great beaches. (:

They had house like in this kind place

They even had their own pool. :p
Well duh I got whole beach myself ;D

Today is my little sisters 6th birthday. Happy Birthday Bo(ボー) !
I have to get her a cake + a gift. I was thinking about something cute (:
Maybe go movies with her and beach + Zoo!

I was thinking to make or buy this kinda cake for her:

Oh I was in movies with my friend Nina. (:We watched that new Scream 4 Kinda bored.

Some questions I wanted to answer o.o

If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

 - Buy a big house myself and a car + idk :D
What last thing made you laugh?
- Uhm my sisters happy face.
Do you believe in true love?
- Yes.
Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
- Jenn, Oink & Baka
What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?
- Japanese & American English
Do you play any instruments?
- My mouth
What animal would you love to have as a pet?
- I want a snake or some puppy. Maybe a turtle
Coke or Pepsi?
- Coke
What is your favorite color?
- I got lots of favorite colors.
Describe your perfect vacation.
- Maybe to Hawaii, Bora or Japan
What is your dream job?
- I really don't know. Maybe work where u don't need to do much stuff.
What is your favorite food?
- Rice Buddles and Spring Rolls
What was your very first date like?
- Stupid.
What is your favorite season and why?
- Summer. I love warm stuff (;
What is your motto in life?
- Go and Live your life
On a rainy day, what is your favorite thing to do?
- Just sit at home and watch movies.
What is your favorite cereal?
- Lucky charms
What is your happiest childhood memory?
- Playing on my cherry blossom tree <3
Did America really put a man on the moon?
- Did they?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses?
- Both
What talent do you wish you'd been born with?
- Invisible and flying.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
- More than 4 days I guess.
What would you cook for a date at home?
- Spring rolls :p
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
- Batman!
If a book were written about your life, what would the title be?
 - Jenn's boring life.

~ Jenn

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