Oink Ink ®

Oink Ink ®

Monda Monday..

What I done today? I made some Nikujaga =p

'Nikujaga (肉じゃが)(meaning meat-potato) is a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce, sometimes with ito konnyaku and vegetables. Generally, potatoes make up the bulk of the dish, with meat mostly serving as a source of flavor. It usually is boiled until most of the liquid is evaporated. Thinly sliced beef is the most common meat used, although minced/ground beef is also popular. Pork is often used instead of beef in eastern Japan.'
I never made it before so it came out pretty well.
My grandmother used to do this for us when we were still living in Japan.
 Subete no o bāchan arigatō♥

Oh yah I cleaned my little sisters room it were really messy all the toys out the boxes on the floor.
Shes almost 6 years old and don't wanna learn to clean. Well I'm the big sister I must do all the job for her.
She even wanted me to play with her while were cleaning the room. Silly sister. =)

Tomorrow going to hunt for the stupid job place. So someday I can move out this house o.o
And get a own Lamborghini =D Then I drive with it all over United State buahha.

I want to learn do some pretty art works. Even thought I suck really bad. I'm good at normal school works but the art it just start being like fuck it.
I think I'm being too addict on dodo. I just play and play. o.o Well good friends keep me playing.
I wish Mel comes back. She showed me dodo gave me her accounts. She came back and left.
I wish I had her love life shes so lucky found a man from a game. I want that happens to me too. Soon they are moving together and getting married. Such a lucky girl.

Bo is turning 6 years old in 3 weeks!! Hurray! I will be the baker for her cake!I know she want a barbie birthday cake. She loves them. haha I did not. I used to play with sticks and rocks when I was her age.
Or ride horses, feed them. =)

Now I just sit here on my room playing computer games or doing photoshop art..
Sometimes I go out to beach but its not fun to do alone. All my friends are like bitches.
They all look like in this picture:

I even become one of them. I was school bullied for years. I changed my own look :3
Now I got piercings and always makeup.
Don't hate I just wanted to be pretty. I used to have glasses look like a nerdie.
I changed! I even lost some weight. I were pretty fat. Now I'm alright having a great life time. Searching for new friends.

~ Jenn

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