Oink Ink ®

Oink Ink ®


I got addict on this facebook game its called Pet Society !

Dats mine:

I named it as my sister. Bo. Haha

I feel so lazy. I got no job, no college right now. :( Idk what to do.
I just sit at home do nothing.
I usually drive my sis to daycare and come back home do nothing then drive to daycare pick up my sis come home. D:

Right now I'm 'eating' lollipops. (licking lollipops) ha.
I think I'm really bad with boys. Maybe I should be lesbian? :3

I want to move back to Japan.


- Jenn


I haven't wrote here for while. So I thought maybe I should. I just got much shit on my mind atm.

We had BBQ party with out neighbors. We had steak, chicken and all kind sausages also I wanted to grill some spring rolls they were so good.
Duh I got addict on Futurama with my sister D:


 I was thinking to quit dodo. It just makes me so lonely since what happen. =(

Sarasota + Movies + stuff

At Friday we left my house in a hurry. My step dad just took us with him to Sarasota.
His sister got a baby and he wanted us to see it too as we are his children too. =)
She got a baby boy he were soo cute I wanted to take him with me :p

About Sarasota
There were big houses and lots of great beaches. (:

They had house like in this kind place

They even had their own pool. :p
Well duh I got whole beach myself ;D

Today is my little sisters 6th birthday. Happy Birthday Bo(ボー) !
I have to get her a cake + a gift. I was thinking about something cute (:
Maybe go movies with her and beach + Zoo!

I was thinking to make or buy this kinda cake for her:

Oh I was in movies with my friend Nina. (:We watched that new Scream 4 Kinda bored.

Some questions I wanted to answer o.o

If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

 - Buy a big house myself and a car + idk :D
What last thing made you laugh?
- Uhm my sisters happy face.
Do you believe in true love?
- Yes.
Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
- Jenn, Oink & Baka
What languages can you speak? Which would you like to learn?
- Japanese & American English
Do you play any instruments?
- My mouth
What animal would you love to have as a pet?
- I want a snake or some puppy. Maybe a turtle
Coke or Pepsi?
- Coke
What is your favorite color?
- I got lots of favorite colors.
Describe your perfect vacation.
- Maybe to Hawaii, Bora or Japan
What is your dream job?
- I really don't know. Maybe work where u don't need to do much stuff.
What is your favorite food?
- Rice Buddles and Spring Rolls
What was your very first date like?
- Stupid.
What is your favorite season and why?
- Summer. I love warm stuff (;
What is your motto in life?
- Go and Live your life
On a rainy day, what is your favorite thing to do?
- Just sit at home and watch movies.
What is your favorite cereal?
- Lucky charms
What is your happiest childhood memory?
- Playing on my cherry blossom tree <3
Did America really put a man on the moon?
- Did they?
Do you prefer hugs or kisses?
- Both
What talent do you wish you'd been born with?
- Invisible and flying.
What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
- More than 4 days I guess.
What would you cook for a date at home?
- Spring rolls :p
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
- Batman!
If a book were written about your life, what would the title be?
 - Jenn's boring life.

~ Jenn


I were talking to my granny on the phone with my mother. She told my mom that shes really sick and she got some embolism on her head/back. Gosh I thought I can travel to Vietnam to see her. :(
Fuck life at this moment. I'm so broken. I only got my family<3

Gotta move on...

I've been seeing these weird dreams about Binh. Is he the one? I don't know. Just a online love?
What I do. Hes stuck in my dreams. I feel so silly right now. Thinking about a guy you never seen before.
Watashi wa jibun jishin o satsuei suru koto wa dekimasu ka?


About my 'Naughty' dream

If you are under 18 please don't read o.o

I had this awesome naughty dream couple nights ago.
I was in it and some couple hot guys o.o I were outside in the beach when this happen. (in my dream)
I was lying there taking some tan, I were reading a car magazine and having a drink (I forgot what)
Then these guys came first bully me like "u r a girl and reading car magazine's". my -duh- face on.
Later that day the guys asked me to some party o.o I was like okay.

In the party I was really drunk and had much fun. I saw this guy sitting alone near the fire in the beach.
I went to near him. I asked him how is he and why hes here all by himself? The guy answerd, cause he doesn't have lots friends around here.
I just hang out with this guy all night we talked and gave each other's kisses =p
The guy asked me to go little farer from the spot.
We were lying on the sand hugging each others giving kisses. Touching.

I was all on to him. He started kissing me from my mouth to down to my tummy.
Then he started using his fingers, first he were touching my tits hard, then he went more down n down to my spot. I started moaning o.o
I was I never felt anything like that before he were so good. (Mmhh watashi wa sono mae no yōna mono o kanjita koto wa arimasen.)
I was just screaming him more. Later he just stick something in me and I was just moaning more! It felt so awesome.
We were both sweating really much. he were moaning also much as I was.

When we finished having awesome drunk sex. We run to the ocean to swim naked o.o (Seriously wanna swim naked with a hot guy)

Uff thats all I remember really :(

Oh the lonely guy were binh. He always stuck in my dreams or nightmares o_o

~ Jenn

o.o Omnomnom

Going to clean kitchen and my car with my mommy n my annoying sister. My step dad is in work trip hes coming home in 2 weeks.
Hope he buy us some presents like he always does.

I been searching for job. Nothing.
~Jenn -Sleepy-

Popsicles! I love them!

Going to buy some popsicles to me and my sister =)
and going to send some to binh :p

Wasted day

I forgot to write yesterday. It was kinda busy. I tried to find a job, played with my sis made some food.
I maybe got food poisoned :/ I was feeling so sick.
I was going to have night class but I felt so sick I stayed home. I even did throw up.
Now i just stay home laying down looking movies. Not going out. Trying ask my step dad find me a job for me.

Uff I slept like all day. Cause I been sick. Now I'm up. I think I throw up again. =(
HELL NO I'm not pregnant! o.o How I could be I haven't had sex before. 

I had naughty dream.

I were taking a nap and my annoying little sister came to jump on me.

 ~ Jenn

Another day!

I woke up 7am. I ate break fast eggs and bacon + some orange juice. My step dad drive me to college meh. ._.
I met couple friends at college. I had art class and English. My last class ended 1pm. .-.

Playing now: Rihanna - S&M

'Cause I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
S-S-S & M-M-M
S-S-S & M-M-M'
I'm eating Milk Chocolate and drinking Mountain Dew ;p
I tried to find a new job. Nothing. =( I searched all restaurants and fast food places, all little shops, Clothes shops. Game stop -.-

Me: Hi I came to search for a job.
Work: Sorry we are full.
Same everywhere. ._.
My luck sucks.

Later today I'll go to beach with my sister make some sand castles :D

Imōto wa, watashi mo sō suna no shiro ga daisuki! -hihi-

I think I start running in the night time o.o

 And Its raining like shit ._.
~ Jenn

Monda Monday..

What I done today? I made some Nikujaga =p

'Nikujaga (肉じゃが)(meaning meat-potato) is a Japanese dish of meat, potatoes and onion stewed in sweetened soy sauce, sometimes with ito konnyaku and vegetables. Generally, potatoes make up the bulk of the dish, with meat mostly serving as a source of flavor. It usually is boiled until most of the liquid is evaporated. Thinly sliced beef is the most common meat used, although minced/ground beef is also popular. Pork is often used instead of beef in eastern Japan.'
I never made it before so it came out pretty well.
My grandmother used to do this for us when we were still living in Japan.
 Subete no o bāchan arigatō♥

Oh yah I cleaned my little sisters room it were really messy all the toys out the boxes on the floor.
Shes almost 6 years old and don't wanna learn to clean. Well I'm the big sister I must do all the job for her.
She even wanted me to play with her while were cleaning the room. Silly sister. =)

Tomorrow going to hunt for the stupid job place. So someday I can move out this house o.o
And get a own Lamborghini =D Then I drive with it all over United State buahha.

I want to learn do some pretty art works. Even thought I suck really bad. I'm good at normal school works but the art it just start being like fuck it.
I think I'm being too addict on dodo. I just play and play. o.o Well good friends keep me playing.
I wish Mel comes back. She showed me dodo gave me her accounts. She came back and left.
I wish I had her love life shes so lucky found a man from a game. I want that happens to me too. Soon they are moving together and getting married. Such a lucky girl.

Bo is turning 6 years old in 3 weeks!! Hurray! I will be the baker for her cake!I know she want a barbie birthday cake. She loves them. haha I did not. I used to play with sticks and rocks when I was her age.
Or ride horses, feed them. =)

Now I just sit here on my room playing computer games or doing photoshop art..
Sometimes I go out to beach but its not fun to do alone. All my friends are like bitches.
They all look like in this picture:

I even become one of them. I was school bullied for years. I changed my own look :3
Now I got piercings and always makeup.
Don't hate I just wanted to be pretty. I used to have glasses look like a nerdie.
I changed! I even lost some weight. I were pretty fat. Now I'm alright having a great life time. Searching for new friends.

~ Jenn

Good Morning!

I just woke up from the bed. I went to sleep like 3 am. :p
Now I'm eating some sausage pasta, mom made it shes the best cook ever! Thanks Mom. ♥
Today going to see new swimsuit for my little sister. What else I should buy? What I need?

I'm having lemonlime soda D:  Yummy!! ^^

Today no college. I just need to hunt for job. :p

I had fun last night in Dodo. :) Thanks to Blake! tsk tsk.

( http://i56.tinypic.com/30wtlci.jpg )

( http://i53.tinypic.com/v7cajb.jpg )

(http://i56.tinypic.com/2rykrpc.jpg )

I know I'm addicted on this game. =( Hope it is not that bad. :3
I'm going to level up in Dodo to 147 wohoo! I haven't play that long but now I'm already ascensed and 146! 
I feel like a nerd. I know so much about dodo. I always like helping new people. When ever someone need help I do help. I even made for Iman +13 weapon and boots. I feel so helpfull.

-Wishes it were summer break already-
Vietnam here I come? I never been in Vietnam so it will be fun!

I only can speak Japanese and English o_o

Tôi sẽ nhìn thấy bà nội của tôi  D: Vietnam language is so funny. Oh well some people say Japanese looks like we use same words as other words. I don't know. I don't speak Japanese anymore that much.
My mother got married with a American guy. We are living in a Beach house in Miami. I got a sister, step sister and 2 step brothers. He told us like while ago we got more "sisters/brothers". My mom didn't really care. They are coming to live with us in couple weeks. :3 They are pure American. I'm pure Japanese/Viet/Mixed shit. My sister is Japanese/American. :d
My real dad were Vietnamese, He left us when I was like 2-4 years old. I haven't anything about him since he left us. 
My mother is pure Japanese.  I miss being in Japan having my whole family with me.
I wish everything were back to normal. Not living in United States. Living in Japan in a farm with chickens, rice field's, corn field's, cows, horses, sheeps, and my cherry blossom tree ♥ I miss them.
Playing with my cousins in the field. Riding with our horses. Ahh those times.
Now living in United States is boring. I can't ride a horse or do stuff with my cousins.

'Watashi wa subete ga seijō ni modotte shutoku suru.'

The freaking tsunami wash my old house away. Why now. I wanted to go back to Japan see my cousins.
We even thought my grandmother died in the tsunami. But she went to Vietnam before the tsunami came. I thought I lost my loving grandmother. Shes the one I always told whats wrong with me. Now she live so far away I can't tell her anything.
I think my grandmother can speak Vietnamese. I hope she teaches me some words. (:
Misu anata no sobo ♥
Anata wa watashi no kokoro no naka no subete no jikan no sobodesu ♥

~ Jenn

Dear Diary o.o

I still haven't sleep! I feel like a nerdie who stay up late talk to people.
I just keep talking and talking. I even took a shower I don't feel like to go to sleep =p

Should I or Should I not?
I love to sleep but right now I feel like hyper. D:
College today or not? I don't really know.

Watashi wa koishi teru

~ Jenn

Oh fuck its monday!

The clock is 1:19 am I haven't slept yet. I just took a hot/cold shower. Because they are going to fix the water system.
Going with Bo to mall get her new swimsuit.
My step dad let me drive with his Lamborghini
My step dads Lamborghini Murcielago LP670-4 Superveloce.
I always drive with it o.o Like when we going to beach with my sister + friends.
Its like bran new. Yeh Its also same color as in the picture o.o

~ Jenn








Jenn inside fantasy world~

I just won a new pet =D I feel so happy again lol

I already name it hihi.
I feel so damn addict.

And I got married too o.o
Ps. I'll post some better pictures later.
Proof of marriage (http://i55.tinypic.com/5akfia.jpg)

with him. Blakey♥

The time is  21:41 its Sunday.
I wasted all day watching tv with my little sister.
Now my toe hurt and I don't know why.
Tomorrow I'll go to shower and I go to new job meeting D:
Scared. duh. I got addict on this blog.

Lawl I look like a panda by my eyes.


Matt 'Dumbo' Nguyen <3 Hawt.
 I love Poreotix. They are all so cute but Dumbo is the best thought.

I wish I could dance like them.

Sleepy Jenn

I just been watching some kids tv shows and movies with my little sister Bo.
Shes addict on Disney Channel. She begged me watch some with her. If I don't do what she want she start cry and tell mom some stupid things about me what I never done.
I always wanted big brother or sister. Not being the big sister.

I ate today Chicken n rice, Spring rolls and noodles. Now I'm already felling asleep. :3 poor me.
I know my sister going to come my room and tell me play with some dolls or something.
She torture me sometimes.

In dodo its been quiet. 


I miss japan so much. I wish I was in Japan playing with my old friend under my cherry blossom tree :/
I miss my grandmother also. and my cousins.
'I wish I wasn't the lonely one'

I don't know what to write I'm so bored and lonely.
I like this guy from online but I know he don't like me. I'm such a loser.
I love to talk to him. He just make me feel special. I don't know why. He just does.
Even he maybe doesn't know how I do feel. I just try show it part time to time (:

Boring sunday

I wanted to make a blog like this to myself. So I can keep it as my diary. I really love writing. Usually I write like little poem for my sister. And then I read them to her when shes going to sleep. (:

I'm little addict on this damn online game. It keeps me just playing and playing. But I always get new friends in it.
I might be little shy girl but I usually try talk much than usually.

This is the game I play. Called Dodo Jade Dynasty.

My really old friend showed to me. When we were playing the official even I wasn't good player there.
Later she quit and left me alone there. I found this guy he sounded really nice but later he were like a douchebag. Now I just been chilling trying find some good friends. I thought Mel came back to dodo but shes so inactive she is never online. But meh. Life is going on.

Miami weather is been kinda rainy but still its being warm. I like it. I miss japan.
I might be spending my summer in Vietnam with my grandmother. I wish.
Or we going to travel somewhere with my family. My step dad wanna see London and some of Europe. I never been in Europe it would be awesome to see some. I think Finland would be good too. Mel is living there for while before she move here in Florida.
Its so boring right now. I don't know what to do. Its only 13:24 PM.

Yawn. this is my first blog I ever made tsk tsk.